I went to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show !!! It was crazy, extremely inappropriate and completely amazing. Upon my arrival, I got marked with a V- ;
a 'V' for being a RHPS virgin and a minus for being underage. The actors came into the audience, there was a dance party, we threw toilet paper everywhere when they unwrapped Rocky..it was kind of magical, in a really, really weird way. |
One of my many favorite things about TRHPS are the costumes and makeup. Bizarre? Absolutely. However, the movie just wouldn't be the same without them.
I love the dress Janet is wearing. The pink plaid color, daisy buttons and cardigan really show her pre-Transylvanian personality.
In this photo, Janet is demonstrating her full on Transylvanian look. I think my favorite part is her face mask, which is painted on by I assume either Magenta or Columbia.
adore this outfit. First of all, she tastefully makes the top hat/bowtie combination look cute and feminine. Second of all, she's wearing fish nets, bobby socks and TAP SHOES. And finally, all of her clothes are delightfully sparkly. I think I just may have just discovered my halloween costume victim.
In addition to the clothes, I also love the set design. It's kind of like an experimental sandwich; cheesy, slightly off-putting and completely original.
Above all else, my two very favorite things about TRHPS are the soundtrack and Tim Curry. They're both flawless. That is all I need to say to conclude this post. Thank you and goodnight.
Aw I wanted to go see that!! Where was it?? Tori was talking about seeing it, but I missed it due to being "out west" ): boo! Watching Perks made me want to see this extremely bad!